A writing tip, book recommendation, and other great insights from Tara that were not covered in our on-air interview, which you can WATCH or LISTEN to now!
Also! Scroll down for bonus green room footage of Tara talking about why it is so important for readers to have access to diverse books.
For any aspiring writers out there, would you please share a short bit of writing advice?
My advice for aspiring writers is to build your community. Fill your life with writers and artists who inspire, support and challenge you. The greatest and most treasured gift that comes from my creative practice are the dear friends. Friends and Fiction lives as a powerful example of this, not only through deep relationships over decades, but in nurturing and supporting other writers.
What is the last book you raved about and what did you love about it?
I’m reading and raving about Martyr by Kaveh Akbar. There’s so much to be enamored by. I love how Akbar moves through wildly different, complex characters spanning from Iran to artists, battling addiction. The merging of dreams with popular cultural icons and the characters is such a unique container. Martyr wrestles with purpose, love, loss and human relationships in a profound way. I can’t wait for evening to come so I can read more.
What can you tell us about your work-in-progress?