
Ernest Hemingway’s Advice to Aspiring, Young Writers (1935)

Ernest Hemingway’s Advice to Aspiring, Young Writers (1935)

Here in the twen­ty-twen­ties, a hope­ful young nov­el­ist might choose to enroll in one of a host of post-grad­u­ate pro­grams, and — with luck — there find a will­ing and able men­tor. Back in the nine­teen-thir­ties, things worked a bit dif­fer­ent­ly. “In the spring of 1934, an aspir­ing writer named Arnold Samuel­son hitch­hiked from Min­neso­ta…

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Life Lessons From A Near-Death Experience

Life Lessons From A Near-Death Experience

In this intimate conversation from the Huberman Lab podcast, Robert recounts the harrowing day he suffered a stroke, the immediate actions that saved his life, and the peculiar sensations and visions he encountered as his brain teetered at the brink of death. Robert delves deep into the ensuing months of recovery, revealing the profound revelations…

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Using real-world challenges to create engaging science lessons

Using real-world challenges to create engaging science lessons

Keeping students interested in learning can be a struggle for educators because it’s often difficult for learners to see any real-life relevance in the subjects. Research from the George Lucas Educational Foundation and a Bethel University research overview as well as classroom experience show that project-based learning can spark enthusiasm by exploring the real-world questions…

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